Dental Emergencies: Activities That Cause Them

A great deal of people do not place too much thought regarding their teeth. These individuals do not know that these pearly whites are a vital tool and important for our daily function. Teeth function not just for eating but likewise for a multitude of things. Some mental and social functions of teeth can be linked to our self-confidence when we interact with other people, being clearly understood, and so much more.

Taking care of our teeth must always be remembered as there are some instances where we might experience an oral issue. Going through with dental issues is not going to be a pleasurable experience. The prevention of certain issues will certainly fall on our diligence in keeping them in mind while carrying out particular activities.

What activities can cause dental issues and emergencies?

There are a lot of ordinary activities, or the absence thereof, that may constitute an oral emergency situation. These oral emergency situations are easily prevented via specific activities that we can do anywhere. We need to always keep in mind that although our teeth are made of bone, they are not as solid as steel. You may be wondering what activities can bring a dental emergency. Here are some activities that can bring you to that point.


Chewing is a normal part of our day, and eating would be practically difficult without it. However, chewing tough or hard food items might damage our teeth. A piece of bone or hard candy can quickly crack or chip our teeth. This would entail extreme discomfort that would certainly require a dentist at this dental clinic to address. Gauging the hardness of the food you eat and chewing slowly would absolutely be a preventive measure.


Basketball, football, and baseball are sports that a lot of people participate in. These sporting activities are pleasurable and a wonderful way to blow off some steam. However, these sports can come to be a little too intense that someone or something can hit your mouth and trigger a tooth to come loose. Experiencing a knocked tooth can present serious bleeding and pain where a dental professional and their emergency services may quickly be required. We can include a procedure of safety by using mouthguards; otherwise, keeping a distance from other players may be needed.

Lack of Dental Hygiene

Our oral hygiene has been instilled in us since we were young, but this is not the similar case for other people. Despite the fact that they understand that they should brush their teeth and floss at least two times a day, they often tend to disregard it. Brushing teeth with enriched toothpaste actually strengthen teeth and inhibit microbial growth. If we neglect to brush our pearly whites, they become weak and become fragile. If you also miss your visit at a dental hygienist Edmonton, that results in more oral health problems.


Taking care of our teeth is an easy process. We need to do it every day and make sure that the tasks that we participate in are safe. However, if these activities can send you to an emergency dentist, taking safety measures and utilizing safety devices may be the best method to remain clear of dental emergency situations.